Sedikit Penerangan berkaitan FYP


perkongsian oleh saudara Norhan
Pemilihan tajuk.
Cara pemilihan tajuk FYP blh dibahagikan kpd 2 bhgn, samada :
1. Propose Sendiri tajuk dkt lecturer
2. Ambil Tajuk yg lecturer release
Propose Sendiri Tajuk dkt lecturer
Bagi kes ini, tajuk utk FYP kita akan dipilih/dibuat/dicari oleh kita sendiri. Ia boleh berkaitan dgn ape2 shj, asalkan berkaitan dgn Engineering & Technology. Kebiasaannya, supervisor (lecturer yg in-charge utk menjaga student yg buat FYP bawahannya) akan suruh student yg hendak propose, membuat satu proposal kepada supervisor. Proposal yg dimaksudkan ialah :
1. Introduction - pengenalan kpd FYP anda
2. Background of ur project - kenapa come out dgn idea ini? apakah kelebihan? Jika idea yg diberi adalah berdasarkan kpd technology yg ada buat masa sekarang, apekah kelainan yg kita buat utk FYP ini? Dan macam2 lagi persoalan.
3. Literature Review - Mengkaji sesuatu permasalahan, dan dgn masalah2 yg timbul, kita buat FYP kita utk overcome masalah yg telah timbul itu. Sbg cnth, FYP aku pasal "Intelligent Wireless Muslim Prayer Clock System"
* .Current Masalah - Muslim's prayer changed based on Hijrah (moon movement). So the prayers time need to be adjusted when the time comes. So it quite tedious as usually we placed the clock at high places.
* How to Overcome? - we used wireless system to do the process of adjustment and built a server for easy monitoring of the prayers time.
Student perlu bijak mencari lecturer yg bersesuaian dgb tajuk yg utk di propose. Cth, kalau kita amik tajuk berkaitan Software (cthnya Assembly Language), so kita cari lecturer yg ajar Assembly Language (cthnya: Mr Khair Razlan, Mr Emerson, etc).
Ambil Tajuk yg lecturer release.
Bg kes ini pula, blh rujuk kat website FET ( Pilih "Project Status - Unassigned", "Sort by - Project ID", "Supervisor - Any" dan "Suitable Course - EE/TE/RE, etc - pilih mane2 yg sesuai". Bg suitable course, tidak semestinya plajar Robotic tak blh amik project Tele. Blh pilih mane2. Sbb FYP bukan based on what we do for the project, its actually what we INTEREST. Sbg cth, kawan aku, Azhan, dia budak Robotic. Tp FYP dia buat Server dan Website, which is an IT porject. Tp since dia interest ke arah tu, lecturer accept, and he do it very well!
Jenis2 FYP
Fyp blh dibahagikan kpd 3 kategori, iaitu:
1. Research Based
2. Software Part
3. Hardware Part
Research Based
Utk Research based, basically project yg dibuat adalah berdasarkan rujukan2 kpd Journal2 (blh didapati di Libr MMU, IEEE website, etc), buku2 teks, internet, dan sebagainya.
Kebiasaannya, bg project ini, tajuk yg dibuat adalah benda yg baru. Sesuatu idea yg baru, dan tidak semestinya blh tercapai. Sbg cth, tjuk ini -
Title 896: Noise Charateristics of Semiconductor Laser Amplifiers
Objective To study the noise characteristics in semiconductor laser amplifier
Description Semiconductor laser amplifiers (SLAs) can directly amplifier optical signals without using complex and expensive electronics regeneration circuitry. The noise characteristics of a SLA are indispensable in estimating S/N performance of optical direct amplification transmission system. However, it seems to be quite different from those in a semiconductor laser oscillator because the amplifier operates at just below its oscillation threshold current, where noisy multi-longitudinal amplifies spontaneous emission contributes to total noise power. An additional reason for this difference is that the noise induced by the external input signal light seems to play an important role. In this project, noise power and its spectrum dependences on dc bias current, amplifies signal level and signal gain are studied theoretically.
So project ini berkaitan dgn Semiconductor Laser Amplifier (subject Optoelectronics & Electrical Communications, chapter 8). Objective dia : Study Noise characteristics. Di dalam description, lecturer ade beritahu kita kena wat research based on 1.Noise Power and its spectrum dependences on DC bias current, 2.Amplifies signal level and 3.Signal Gain. So kita kena carik all information regarding those three things di dalam text books, journal, website, etc. Kumpul2 maklumat, dan masukkan kedalam Report FYP.
Bg research based, ia amat sukar utk score, Kebarangkalian utk dapat B amat gi, dan B+ jika mencapai objective. unless student betul2 mendalami dgn project yg dibuat, dan menghantar Journal berkaitan FYP yg dibuat kepada website2 yg diiktiraf (slalunye dekat website IEEE). Dan setelah dihantar dkt IEEE, dan setelah di evaluate dan dapat good marks, insyaAllh boleh boost up grade kpd A-@A.
Software Based
Bg software based, kebiasaannya project diberi adalah berkaitan software. Cthnya, buat Graphical User Interface (GUI), atau website, atau juga Coding utk hardware. (samada C, atau Assembly Language, atau C++, etc) . Bg coding utk hardware, biasanya ini utk satu project, ttp 2 student yg buat. 1 student buat hardware utk project itu, 1 lagi student buat software utk project itu pula.
Software based adalah kategori yg mudah utk score, berbanding Research based, meskipun Research based blh dikatakan lebih mudah berbanding Software Based. Ini kerana, source utk Software Based Project mudah didapati. Dgn hanya google berkaitan coding/software yg hendak dibuat, kebarangkalian utk mndapat jawapan amat tinggi. Meskipon mudah score, namun grade yg tgi blh diberi sekitar B+. Utk mendapat A- atau A, pelajar harus participate in any competition, exhibition, etc.
Selain itu, software based juga mudah utk diubahsuai, walaupon kita hanya mempunyai masa yg suntuk. Ini kerana, software based hanya menggunakan coding. Meskipun dah dekat2 last minute, sekiranya kita hendak buat ubah suai terhadap project FYP kita, kita hanya perlu menambah sedikit coding shj.
Cth Porject di website :
Title 1193: Genetic Algorithm Adopting Viral Infection
Objective To solve the 0/1 knapsack problem by a Genetic Algorithm adopting viral infection.
Description The neo-Darwinism evolutionary theory presumes the survival of the fittest individuals in the population, and thus, the continued-existence of those individuals’ genetic material. In traditional genetic algorithm, the search of the optimal solution is conducted by crossover and mutation operators.
This project is to explore another genetic programming option, known as viral infection, which is to replace the mutation operation. The developed algorithm will be used to solve the 0/1 knapsack problem.
Remarks The student should achieve at least B+ in programming-related subjects.
Proficiency in C/Matlab programming would be advantageous.
Spt yg dilihat, pelajar yg hendak amik project ini kena dapat at least B+ utk subject programing, da n mahir dalam C/Matlab. So, student kena study awal, buat research, seblom berjumpa dgn lecturer ini utk mengambil tajuk ini.Mungkin lecturer akan mengadakan sessi Q&A dgn student, utk menguji sejauh mane student ini faham dgn tajuk ini.
Hardware Part
Hardware part merupakan yg plg susah antara ke tiga2 kategori. Ini kerana student perlu mahir dgn tools, electronics components, know how to read the Datasheets of the components, able to build all the components , pateri, troubleshooting, etc. Sangat leceh. Unless kalau Zul minat, blh shj ambil. =D
namun begitu, score yg diberi utk hardware part sgt2 tinggi (sebab sgt susah utk dibuat). Jika kita dapat present kita punya hardware, walaupon takjadi, insyaAllah dapat B. Jika hardware kita jadi sikit2, tak fully functions as what needs for the FYP, blh dapat B+, insyaAllah. Dan jika hardware kita jadi spt yg dinyatakan dalam Objective, insyaAllah blh dapat A-, tanpa perlu masuk ape2 competition@exhibition!
Proses membuat Hardware memakan masa yg agak lama. 1st, kena research berkaitan dgn hardware yg diperlukan. 2nd - kena obtain hardware2 yg diperluakn.
3rd- pasang sumer2 component. 4th - testing the hardware. Slalunye, first time pasang takkan menjadi . So kena pandai2 troubleshoot, cari dimana punca masalah, dan cuba selesaikan.
Jika kita buat Tajuk FYP itu sorang bg hardware part, kemungkinan besar kita kena buat software part juga. Cth macam FYP aku, "intelligent Wireless Muslim Prayer Clock System". Hardware dia aku buat Prayer Clock itu, dan software nye ialah Coding yg aku install dalam Microprocessor, to make the prayer clock functioning as it is. So agak susah, dan berat.
Cth tajuk Hardware Part dkt FET website :
Title 1533: PIC Electric Meter
Description Now you can monitor the running costs of your mains electrical appliances with the latest idea of PICmicro-based electricity meter. Suitable for both 230V and 110V appliances, this dual-channel device (2nd channel optional) circuit has an LCD display showing real time values of voltage, load current, power consumption (6kW maximum), cumulative running costs and more besides. A data logging facility may also be incorporated.
So basically tajuk ni knea buat Electic Meter. Input voltage yg tgi (230 V dan 110 V, means dia boleh masuk 2 High Input Voltages), ade LCD display, dan components2 needed.
As aku cakap tadi, tajuk Hardware Part slalunya automatically involve with Software Part. Cthnya macam tajuk diatas. Harware dia ialah Electric Meter. Software Part dia ialah make a coding to calculate the Power, Voltage, Load Current etc, and the Coding on how to display it on the LCD display.
walau ape pon tajuk yg kita ambil, pastikan FYP yg kita buat MENCAPAI OBJECTIVE. itu penting!!! Sangat2 Penting!!. FYP bukan utk menilai Project student itu siap atau tidak, tetapi adakah project itu mencapai objective itu atau tidak. Dan FYP juga menilai bagaimana usaha student itu utk mencapai objective sesuatu FYP.
Fahamkan betul2 objective of the FYP, dan start merancang bagaimana nak mencapai Objective FYP itu.
Juga kena pandai pilih Supervisor, krn supervisor yg paling byk memberi permarkahan. (Supervisor : 75%, Moderator : 25% - tidak beberapa pasti, tp lebih kurang mcm ini).So kita kena selalu jumpa Supervisor, consult with him/her jika terdapat sebarang masalah, berkongsi idea jika kita ingin menambah sesuatu kpd project kita.
Sesetengah Supervisor hanya sekadar merelease tajuk, tanpa mengetahui scope FYP itu sendiri. So, kena berhati2 dalam memilih Supervisor. Pastikan Supervisor itu benar2 mahir dgn tajuk yg telah dia release, agar senang, jika ada masalah, Supervisor boleh bantu kerana Superviosr itu benar2 mahir dengan FYP yg dia release.
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